Sarah Godsave, nurse practitioner and medical director at Down to Earth Wellness Center, launches "The Root," a podcast focused on functional health topics. She aims to provide education and answers to health questions for those who are struggling to find answers within the current healthcare system. Sarah believes that gaps in the system, such as insurance requirements and short staffing, leave many people feeling hopeless without a diagnosis for their symptoms. Her goal is to empower listeners to understand how the body works, take responsibility for their health, and find hope in the possibility of improvement. Sarah discusses the importance of preventive measures and specialized testing to identify patterns of disease years before they become an issue. By making simple changes and interventions early on, individuals can potentially avoid devastating diagnoses later in life. "The Root" podcast aims to fill in the gaps in healthcare and provide answers and hope for those seeking solutions.

Key Takeaways

  • The healthcare system has gaps and limitations, leaving many people struggling to find answers and feeling hopeless.
  • Understanding how the body works and the connections between its parts is crucial for taking control of one's health.
  • Preventive measures and specialized testing can identify patterns of disease years before they become a problem.
  • Making simple changes and interventions early on can potentially prevent devastating diagnoses later in life.


  • "There is always a reason the body isn't working correctly, even if it doesn't have a name." - Sarah Godsave
  • "Instead of waiting for that terrible illness to occur and then becoming overwhelmed with treatments and medications, why not identify the problem years before it actually happens?" - Sarah Godsave

Down to Earth Wellness Center is a wellness facility on the south side of Indianapolis specializing in functional health services. We offer IV therapy, functional lab testing, weight loss, vitamin injections, peptides and bioidentical hormones, ozone therapy, and aesthetics. Our medical team works to customize treatments based on individuals’ needs, while our wellness concierge staff ensures that clients feel comfortable and relaxed while they visit the state-of-the-art facility. 

Home testing kits are available, including home tests for food sensitivities, DNA,, and environmental toxins. These tests can be self-administered and offer a wealth of information to empower clients to address their unique health needs. Check out the Down to Earth Wellness Center Shop page to learn more.

Down to Earth Wellness Center offers a variety of products to help clients improve their health and their environment. The supplements offered at DTE are carefully curated by our medical team to ensure that they are all medical grade and have been tested with the same standards as pharmaceutical medications. Additionally, we offer professional skin care products and natural fragrances such as Ambre Blends fragrances or Riddle Oil for personal products.

Stepping into functional health can be overwhelming. There are a number of services and products available, and knowing what’s right for you is difficult. That’s why Down to Earth offers Discovery Calls. Set an appointment for phone conversation with a wellness concierge who can listen to your concerns, answer questions, and help you make choices about what services might be best for you. 

The Root: Empowering Health and Wellness Through Functional Medicine


Welcome to The Root with Sarah G the NP, a podcast dedicated to exploring functional health and wellness topics and providing education for individuals seeking answers to their health questions. In our healthcare system, there are often gaps and limitations that prevent individuals from finding the help they desperately need. The current medical model relies on diagnosing specific diseases, leaving many people feeling hopeless when their symptoms don't fit neatly into a predefined category. However, there is always a reason why the body isn't functioning optimally, even if it doesn't have a name. Through this podcast, Sarah’s goal is to empower listeners with knowledge about how the body works to understand the interconnectedness of its various parts, and provide hope that there are solutions to health challenges.

Gaps in the Healthcare System

"Insurance requirements, office time limits, and short staffing have created gaps in our healthcare system," Godsave explains.

These gaps often leave individuals struggling to find answers and feeling isolated in their health journey. The traditional medical model relies on diagnosing specific diseases, but what happens when symptoms don't fit neatly into a predefined category? This can be a frustrating and disheartening experience, leaving individuals feeling hopeless and without a clear path forward.

Godsave says, "My goal with this podcast is to provide education on how the body works so you can understand how all the parts are connected."

By understanding the interconnectedness of the body, people can begin to unravel the complexities of their health challenges. Functional medicine takes a holistic approach, looking at the body as a whole rather than focusing solely on individual symptoms. This approach allows individuals to identify the underlying causes of dysfunction and develop personalized treatment plans that address the root cause, rather than just managing symptoms.

Empowering Individuals to Take Control of Their Health

"I want to help you understand, become empowered to take back your health and your life, and most of all, give you hope that there is something that can be done and you can get better,” Godsave says.

One of the key goals of this podcast is to empower individuals to take control of their health. By providing education and insights into how the body works, individuals can be equipped with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health. Understanding the underlying causes of dysfunction allows individuals to take proactive steps toward restoring normal function and improving their overall well-being.

"There is always a reason the body isn't working correctly, even if it doesn't have a name,” Godsave says

Even if symptoms don't fit into a specific diagnosis, there is still hope. Functional medicine looks beyond labels and focuses on identifying the underlying imbalances that are contributing to health challenges. By addressing these imbalances, it is possible to restore normal function and help individuals regain control over their health.

Preventative Approaches to Health

"I will also discuss how to prevent diseases and conditions so you can avoid that diagnosis later in life that can be devastating," Godsave says.

Prevention is a key aspect of functional medicine. Rather than waiting for a diagnosis and then scrambling to manage the associated symptoms, it is possible for individuals to take proactive steps to prevent disease and optimize their health. Through routine blood work, genetic testing, and specialized testing, it is possible to identify patterns of disease years before they become a significant issue.

"Did you know it is possible to identify these patterns ten or 15 years prior to the disease?” Godsave asks.

By identifying these patterns early on, individuals can implement simple interventions and make gradual lifestyle changes that can have a profound impact on their long-term health. This proactive approach allows people to avoid the devastating consequences of a late-stage diagnosis and empowers them to take control of their health before it becomes a crisis.

Filling the Gaps in Healthcare

"My practice, as well as this podcast, are designed to help fill in some of those gaps and provide answers to questions,” Godsave explains.

Functional medicine fills the gaps in our healthcare system by taking a comprehensive and personalized approach to health and wellness. Rather than focusing on specific diseases, functional medicine aims to restore normal function and address the underlying imbalances that contribute to poor health. 

"I don't specialize in or treat any specific disease,” Godsave says. “My goal when working with patients is to just restore normal function."

Functional medicine is not about treating specific diseases; it's about restoring balance and function to the body as a whole. By addressing the root cause of dysfunction, it is possible to alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being. This approach allows for personalized and targeted interventions that are tailored to each individual's unique needs.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The Root with Sarah G the NP podcast is a platform for exploring functional health topics, providing education, and empowering individuals to take control of their health. By understanding the interconnectedness of the body and addressing the underlying causes of dysfunction, it is possible to restore normal body function and improve overall well-being. Through preventative approaches, patterns of disease can be identified years before they become a significant issue, which provides the opportunity to make simple interventions and lifestyle changes that can have a profound impact on long-term health.

Join us each week as we dive into different topics, speak with experts in the field, and explore the possibilities of functional medicine. Together, we can uncover the root causes of our health challenges, find hope in the face of uncertainty, and take proactive steps towards a healthier and more vibrant life. With me, Sarah G, the NP.

I’m Sarah Godsave, a nurse practitioner in functional medicine, who specializes in restoring the normal function of the body, not just treating symptoms.
Let's get to "the root" together.
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