Sarah Godsave discusses the importance of cellular health and how it relates to overall well-being. She uses the metaphor of a house to explain the different components of a cell, such as the cell membrane being the roof and the mitochondria being the furnace. Sarah explains that when there are issues with cellular health, it can manifest in various ways, such as fatigue, weight gain, and metabolic issues. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the cell membrane and ensuring that nutrients can enter the cell properly. Sarah also discusses the role of glutathione, a master antioxidant, in cellular health and how toxins and genetic factors can impact its production. She explains that by addressing cellular health and optimizing cell function, individuals can experience improvements in weight loss, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Key Takeaways:

-The cell membrane acts as the roof of the cell, providing protection and allowing nutrients to enter.

-Mitochondria are like the furnace of the cell, producing ATP for energy.

-Issues with cellular health can be caused by factors such as magnesium deficiency, toxins, and genetic factors.

-Glutathione is one key component of cellular health and can be affected by genetics, nutrient deficiencies, and toxin overload.

-Addressing cellular health can lead to improvements in weight loss, energy levels, and overall well-being.


-"Your body is telling you to eat carbs because that is the only way it is currently making energy." - Sarah Godsave

-"When you fix these things and your cells are working correctly, you shouldn't have to think and worry about that stuff all the time." - Sarah Godsave

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Stepping into functional health can be overwhelming. There are a number of services and products available, and knowing what’s right for you is difficult. That’s why Down to Earth offers Discovery Calls. Set an appointment for phone conversation with a wellness concierge who can listen to your concerns, answer questions, and help you make choices about what services might be best for you. 

The Root: Exploring the Metaphor of the Cell as a House

In the last episode of The Root with Sarah G the NP, she began to explain the complex world of cellular health and wellness. She introduced us to the metaphor of the cell as a house. Today, we will further explore this metaphor to gain a deeper understanding of how the different components of a cell work together to maintain our overall well-being.

Sarah Godsave, an expert in cellular health, begins by explaining the importance of the cell membrane, which she compares to a roof. She highlights the presence of phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, and CoQ10 in the cell membrane, emphasizing their roles in providing protection and energy production. She also mentions the significance of the nucleus and mitochondria, which she likens to the furnace of a house, responsible for generating ATP, the energy currency of our cells.

When it comes to addressing cellular health issues, Sarah explains that it is crucial to identify the specific components that are affected. For example, magnesium deficiency can hinder the functioning of the mitochondria, leading to muscle fatigue and decreased energy. On the other hand, toxins or genetic factors can disrupt the cell membrane, preventing the entry of essential nutrients like magnesium. Sarah emphasizes the importance of understanding these underlying factors to develop effective treatment strategies.

To rebuild cellular health, Sarah focuses on restoring the cell membrane, as it serves as the gateway for nutrients and plays a vital role in maintaining overall cell function. She explains that magnesium deficiency can often be resolved by supplementing with magnesium, preferably taken at night to promote relaxation and restful sleep. However, she acknowledges that cellular health issues can be more complex, requiring a comprehensive approach that addresses detoxification, hormone balance, and other factors.

One of the key aspects Sarah highlights is the role of glutathione, often referred to as the "master antioxidant." Glutathione is crucial for cellular detoxification and maintaining overall health. However, she notes that our modern environment exposes us to an increasing number of toxins, depleting our natural glutathione levels. This can lead to a range of health issues, including compromised cellular function. Sarah emphasizes the need to address glutathione production and availability to support optimal cellular health.

When it comes to assessing cellular health, Sarah takes a comprehensive approach. She spends ample time with her clients, understanding their lifestyle and gathering detailed information about their symptoms and concerns. She then conducts thorough blood work to gain insights into their cellular health. Sarah explains that analyzing cholesterol levels is not just about heart health but also provides valuable information about the strength of the cell membranes. Similarly, assessing magnesium levels in both serum and red blood cells helps identify any issues with magnesium uptake into the cells.

Sarah acknowledges that addressing cellular health issues can be frustrating for clients, especially when they are eager to achieve weight loss. However, she emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying cellular issues before focusing on weight loss. She explains that cellular health plays a significant role in metabolism and energy production. If the cells are unable to metabolize nutrients efficiently, weight loss becomes challenging. By addressing cellular health first, clients can achieve sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.

Sarah shares a powerful success story of a client who had high triglyceride levels and struggled to lower them despite various efforts. By addressing the cell membrane issue and supplementing with phosphatidylcholine and carnitine, the client's triglyceride levels dropped significantly within two months. This example highlights the effectiveness of targeted interventions in restoring cellular health and achieving positive outcomes.

In conclusion, understanding the metaphor of the cell as a house provides valuable insights into the complex world of cellular health. By focusing on the cell membrane, mitochondria, and nucleus, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these components work together to maintain optimal cellular function. Addressing cellular health issues requires a comprehensive approach that considers factors such as nutrient deficiencies, toxin exposure, and hormone balance. By restoring cellular health, individuals can experience improved energy levels, weight management, and overall well-being.

I’m Sarah Godsave, a nurse practitioner in functional medicine, who specializes in restoring the normal function of the body, not just treating symptoms.
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