Sarah Godsave, the medical director and nurse practitioner at Down to Earth Wellness Center, shares her journey and how she got started in the field of functional medicine. She discusses her background in nursing and her experience working in pain management and chronic pain addiction. Sarah also talks about a personal experience with her husband's health issues, which led her to realize the limitations of conventional medicine and sparked her interest in functional medicine. She explains how Down to Earth Wellness Center evolved from a focus on IV treatments to a comprehensive wellness center. Sarah discusses her goals for the center and her desire to reach and help more people. She also emphasizes the importance of getting to the root cause of health issues and restoring normal function in the body.

Key Takeaways:

- Sarah's journey in the medical field started with nursing and eventually led her to functional medicine.

- She realized the limitations of conventional medicine when her husband experienced health issues and saw the need for a more holistic approach.

- Down to Earth Wellness Center evolved from a focus on IV treatments to a comprehensive wellness center that aims to restore normal function in the body.

- Sarah's goal is to reach and help more people by expanding the center's services and locations.

- She emphasizes the importance of getting to the root cause of health issues rather than just treating symptoms.


- "I think about so many of the people that I took care of and how... we could have changed things so that they didn't have to be on those medicines forever." - Sarah Godsave

- "There's the piece [conventional medicine] that's missing... and I wonder how many people have lost loved ones because of that part being missing." - Sarah Godsave

- "Believing someone and just being like, 'We're going to figure it out together,' that's sometimes the best gift you can give someone." - Sarah Godsave

- "I specialize in trying to restore the normal function of the body. Period." - Sarah Godsave

- "Sometimes it's validating that what they're feeling is really real and we're going to figure it out because I believe them." - Sarah Godsave

Down to Earth Wellness Center is a wellness facility on the south side of Indianapolis specializing in functional health services. We offer IV therapy, functional lab testing, weight loss, vitamin injections, peptides and bioidentical hormones, ozone therapy, and aesthetics. Our medical team works to customize treatments based on individuals’ needs, while our wellness concierge staff ensures that clients feel comfortable and relaxed while they visit the state-of-the-art facility. 

Home testing kits are available, including home tests for food sensitivities, DNA,, and environmental toxins. These tests can be self-administered and offer a wealth of information to empower clients to address their unique health needs. Check out the Down to Earth Wellness Center Shop page to learn more.

Down to Earth Wellness Center offers a variety of products to help clients improve their health and their environment. The supplements offered at DTE are carefully curated by our medical team to ensure that they are all medical grade and have been tested with the same standards as pharmaceutical medications. Additionally, we offer professional skin care products and natural fragrances such as Ambre Blends fragrances or Riddle Oil for personal products.

Stepping into functional health can be overwhelming. There are a number of services and products available, and knowing what’s right for you is difficult. That’s why Down to Earth offers Discovery Calls. Set an appointment for phone conversation with a wellness concierge who can listen to your concerns, answer questions, and help you make choices about what services might be best for you. 

The Root Podcast: Exploring Functional Medicine with Sarah Godsave

Welcome to the first episode of The Root podcast, where we delve into the world of functional medicine and explore the journey of our medical director and nurse practitioner, Sarah Godsave. In this episode, Sarah shares her personal and professional experiences that led her to the field of functional medicine and the founding of Down To Earth Wellness Center. We will discuss the evolution of the center, the importance of getting to the root cause of health issues, and the future of functional health.

The Journey Begins

Sarah Godsave's journey in healthcare started as a bedside nurse, specializing in labor and delivery. She found joy in being a part of the miracle of birth and helping families welcome their little ones into the world. However, as she pursued further education to become a nurse practitioner, she realized that there was more she could do to help people beyond the traditional medical approach.

"I think curiosity gets the best of me because I always want to know more. I always am digging for an answer, always feel like there has to be an answer and I'll keep going till I find it," Sarah explains. This curiosity and desire to find answers led her to functional medicine, a field that focuses on addressing the root cause of health issues rather than just treating symptoms.

The Catalyst for Change

Sarah's journey in functional medicine took a significant turn when her husband faced a life-threatening health crisis. His colon ruptured, leading to a life-threatening infection. This experience made Sarah realize the limitations of conventional medicine and the importance of addressing the underlying issues that contribute to health problems.

"I thought at some point–I don't know–at some point, I felt like we were going to lose the battle if we didn't have his immune system on our side," Sarah recalls. This realization sparked her determination to explore alternative approaches to healthcare and find ways to support the body's natural healing processes.

The Birth of Down To Earth Wellness Center

While Sarah and her family were in Hawaii convalescing, her son Dylan suggested the idea of opening a wellness center that could provide nutritional IVs to help his father recover. This idea resonated with Sarah, and she saw it as an opportunity to not only help her husband but also to create a space where others could find support and solutions to their health issues.

The initial focus of Down To Earth Wellness Center was on providing nutritional IVs, but it quickly evolved into a comprehensive wellness center. Sarah explains, "We started with IVs, but then it developed into a wellness center, where not only can we help Dad, but we can make this available for so many other people who are maybe in the same situations or hopefully who are having issues and can get in and prevent things from happening later."

Getting to the Root of the Problem

One of the core principles of functional medicine is addressing the root cause of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. Sarah emphasizes that her goal is to restore the normal function of the body and help individuals achieve optimal health. She believes that conventional medicine often falls short in this regard, as it focuses on managing symptoms rather than addressing the underlying imbalances.

"I'm never treating any disease or diagnosis or whatever, so I'll have people that will call and be like, do you specialize in this or do you specialize in this? Well, no, I don't. What I specialize in is just trying to restore the normal function of the body, Period," Sarah explains.

The Power of Validation

One of the most significant aspects of functional medicine is the validation it provides to individuals who have been struggling with undiagnosed or misunderstood health issues. Sarah emphasizes the importance of believing patients and acknowledging their experiences. She shares, "Sometimes it's just validating that what they're feeling is really real and we're going to figure it out because I believe them. I think people just want to be believed."

By listening to patients and taking the time to understand their unique experiences, functional medicine practitioners can offer a sense of validation and hope to individuals who have been dismissed or overlooked by conventional medicine.

The Future of Functional Health

Looking ahead, Sarah envisions expanding the reach of Down To Earth Wellness Center to make functional medicine more accessible to a wider population. She hopes to establish additional locations where individuals can receive treatments such as therapeutic IVs and other wellness services. By doing so, she aims to bridge the gap between conventional and functional medicine and provide comprehensive care to those seeking a holistic approach to their health.

Sarah also recognizes the importance of education and information sharing. She hopes that through The Root podcast, she can reach a broader audience and provide valuable insights and guidance to individuals who may not have access to functional medicine resources. By empowering individuals with knowledge and encouraging them to ask better questions, Sarah believes that more people can take control of their health and find the solutions they need.

In conclusion, Sarah Godsave's journey in functional medicine and the founding of Down To Earth Wellness Center highlight the importance of addressing the root cause of health issues and providing comprehensive care. By focusing on restoring the body's natural function and validating patients' experiences, functional medicine offers a unique approach to healthcare. As the field continues to evolve and gain recognition, the future of functional health holds the promise of improved outcomes and a more holistic approach to well-being.

To learn more about functional medicine and the work of Down To Earth Wellness Center, stay tuned for future episodes of The Root podcast dropping every Wednesday.

I’m Sarah Godsave, a nurse practitioner in functional medicine, who specializes in restoring the normal function of the body, not just treating symptoms.
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