
Jo & Lyndon: Unlocking Optimal Health with a Comprehensive Lab Review

Meet Jo and Lyndon! Since 2022, Jo and Lyndon have been the exclusive photographers for Down to Earth Wellness Center, playing a pivotal role in showcasing the DTE brand. When they’re not pouring into their community, you can find them reading, spending time with family, hiking, or traveling. Having been a part of the DTE brand for years, Jo and Lyndon have grown alongside the center, and now they are investing in their health with us on their own wellness journeys.

When we went into DTE for our Lab Review, I didn’t really know what to expect. In the past, “your blood work came back clean” was the normal conversation I’d have with a medical professional after blood work. But considering they ordered WAY MORE vials of blood drawn than a usual blood test, the review process also had to be special.

I wasn’t disappointed. The lab review appointment was a 60-minute appointment where we got to sit down with Sarah and have her walk us through what stood out to her from what came back on the lab results.

Sarah walked me through the results from my labs, showing me the things that were contributing to everything we had chatted about during my consultation like feeling more tired than usual and my muscles recovering slower than expected. Then we chatted through what she would recommend as a road to a healthier version of me.

As I’m not a medical professional, I’m going to use an analogy of a fixer-upper house to break down what I learned.

Like a house, the human body will start to break down (become deficient, pathway problems, etc) slowly over time if it isn’t properly taken care of. If you catch it early enough, something as simple as a deep cleaning (detox) or fresh paint (multi-vitamins) could be enough to get your house (body) back to optimal levels.

The longer you don’t fix things, the more they can compound into bigger problems. For example, if your sink starts leaking, a simple fix would be to tighten the fittings, and you are good as new. But since it’s under the sink and no one notices, it keeps leaking for months and slowly seeps into the walls and basement. Still, if it’s not caught over time, this will rot out your walls, create mold, and maybe even cause structural problems.

In a few short years of not properly taking care of a house, you go from just needing a deep cleaning to tearing out drywall and checking to see if your house is structurally sound.

That’s kind of the equivalent of what Sarah said happened with me - before we could work on energy and muscle recovery (fresh paint), we’d have to work on the walls of my cells and how my body was processing iron and producing energy (drywall and structure). 

Coming out of my lab review, Sarah put together a treatment plan based around IVs and daily supplements to help rebuild and replenish the base building blocks of my system.

The specificity of Sarah’s directions of what to take when made it straightforward to stay consistent and rebuild my stores of essential nutrients for keeping my body functioning optimally.

At the end of roughly 30 days of taking supplements, we went back into DTE for our check-in appointment with Sarah. This felt very similar to our original consultation appointment, where we talked about how I was feeling now that I had a month into supplements and IVs.

I’ve loved how this process is equal parts how I’m feeling and experiencing my body, in combination with the extensive blood test. This gives a factual basis for Sarah to watch my results. And I’m excited to get started on my next month of supplements and IVs.

You can find more information about wellness care at or by calling the office at 317-978-0280.


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I’m Sarah--a mom, wife, and nurse practitioner-- I have worked in health care for over 20 years. I saw the things that worked and the things that didn’t.

Our vision for DTE is to help people feel better, have more energy, and enjoy life more fully. Throughout the education platform we aim to offer resources to those who have complex health issues and have not been completely served by traditional medicine or just want a healthier lifestyle! We are excited to serve you.
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